Archive for November 2009

New T-Shirts at Pic Designer T-Shirt:

Retro Polaroid on an organic t-shirt

Polaroid Land Model 100 dsign is taken from my digital illustration.

Sony Walkman-1979

I took this design from one of my artwork, "Sony Walkman 1979". This particular walkman was made in 1979 and was available to the public in the early 80's. Reminiscence of the days before Ipods and cds.

And Soy Boy and Soy Girl for the babies

My First Sale at "Pic Designer T-Shirts"

I launched my t-shirt shop, Pic Designer T-Shirts in October of 2009, as I have noted in my previous post. It has been about a month and I am excited to announce my first sale. It is a small beginning but hopefully it will continue to grow and bring in more sales. So far, my only advertisements are through my etsy shop and my blog but maybe I need to figure out other venues to generate some more interests. Anyway, below are the two t-shirts from my first sale. Please visit the shop for other products. . .more to come soon.



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